Sunday, May 24, 2009

huih...3 tag skali...ღღ

Tag yg 1st~~

Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik tentang si pemberi award ini.

1.nmenye sarah amalina
2.ank pkcik rosnan
3.dok sebelah katil aku jer ni..huhu
4.dia ni sgt alah pd seafud,,ayam,,ikan,,dging..mcm2 lah...aku xtau la dia mkn pe...hehe...
5.klu dia xde kat blik ni shari...mmg snyap sunyi lah blok...haha...

Setiap blogger mestilah menyatakan 10 fakta atau hobi diri sndiri sebelum memilih.

1. dlu2 ska kmpul setem..

2. mkin lma ska bca novel pulak...
3. skang ni buat je pape pon ikut mud..hehe...
4. ade 3 bradik je dlm family..s0rg aBg..sOrg adiK..
5. ak sorg je lak tu ank pompuan..hehe...
6. kartun fevret aku :garfield yg gmok...comeynye...
7. sgt meminati warna biru...tenang je hati...hehe
8. ade kt UMP lgik dh cuti...aku blaja lgi...
9. tgh b'pk bla la mmber2 skolah (ex-pdrm) aku nk buat reunion nih...dri ritu lgi kate nk buat...
10. tringin nk mnum air asam jawa..

Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award dan describe tentang mereka...ngeh3...
**sarah...aku pon pilih 4 je...heheh

1. Cik Bell
~kwn ak msa kt mtrik...prknalan ktorg bleh dktakan unik..heheh..

2. Cik Bear
~as usual...mmber msa skolah la..

3. Cik Luna
~sronok gosip2 ngan dia nih...

4. Cik Fa
~byk ckap nih...

Tag yG 2nd~~

1. put this badge on your awesome blog.
2. award this badge to 5 bloggers whom you think are inspirational and friendly.
3. make sure you put the 'recepients' name here, along with their links.
4. let them know about this.

So simple. No Q&A. Nothing. Just the names of the 'recipients'.

1. Cik Bell
2. Cik Bear
3. Cik Luna
4. Cik Fa

Tag yG 3rd~~

1. How old are you?
♥ udah msuk 21 pon..

2. Are u single?
♥ msti la..aku xkawen lgik..huhu..

3. At what age do you think you’ll get married?
♥ 24 ke..25 ke..26 ke...heheh...klu dh jodoh..

4.Do you think you'll be marrying the person you are with now?
♥ ermm....xtahu lah lagi...

5.If not, who do you want to marry?
♥ haih...mna la aku tau...

6.Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
♥ erm...xt'pk lagik rsenye bridesmaid sedare aku kot..yana..

7. do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
♥ aiyark...tgu nnt bila aku nk kawen lah bru aku nk tema baby blue ngan pink bleh??haha...

8.Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
♥ mne2 je husband aku bwak...aku ikot rse mcm nk ke Australia..

9. How many guests do you think youll invite?
♥ itu ikut mama ngan papa lah nk jmput brape...

10. Will that include your exes?
♥ ahaha...

11. How many layers of cake do you want?
♥ 2 ckup kot...hehe

12.When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
♥ erm...aku xtahu la weh...xpk lgi la nk kawen2 nih...haish..

13. Name the song/tune you’d like to play at your wedding?
♥ selamat....pngantin baru....~~~haha

14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork?
♥ i prefer dining...

15. Champagne or red wine?
♥ tembikai laici bleh??

16.Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
♥ haha..honeymoon lgi...rsenye right after wedding lah...

17.Money or household item?
♥ hehehe...22 bleh??

18.How many kids would you like to have?
♥ pling sket 3...pling byk 5...hehe...

19.Will you record your honeymoon in cd?
♥ agk menarik...bleh gak..hehe

20. I want to know their wedding planning..
♥ Cik Bell
♥ Cik Bear
♥ Cik Luna
Cik Fa


Seven said...

nk pling max 5 orng ank je?
10 la max..

Siti Farhana said...

igt kilang buat ank ke..

koki chan said...

nana.aku kena wat tiga tag skali gus ke?

Siti Farhana said...

buat la 3-3..

koki chan said...

emel fb aku