Friday, June 12, 2009


Colour your life with 4 words! Answer these A-Z questions with 4 answers. Then, tag as many friends as you can and see how they coloured their life with 4 lines of word/s. Tried it now!!!

[A] 4 names people call you :

ღ farhana - pngglan mmber sek ren aku smpai la aku f3
ღ nana - ade la sorg mamat nie msa kt PDRM dlu pnggil aku dgn nma nie..lekat 1 skolah pnggil aku dgn nma nie..dats y name ni special..huhu
ღ siti - la nma glemer aku skang..only mmber aku kt ump pnggil aku dgn nma nie..
ღ adik - spe lgi klu bkan abg aku..mak ayh aku..mkcik & pkcik aku..huhu..adik aku pnggil akak la..

[B] 4 places you have lived :

ღ p.dickson - smpat dduk 5 taun jer..
ღ selama, perak - rmah aku skang..
ღ gerik, perak - skolah aku dri f1 smpi f3
ღ kulim, kedah - skolah aku dri f4 smpi f5..byk knangan woo..

[C] 4 jobs you have had in your life :

keje ape yer...
ღ blaja..
ღ blaja..
ღ blaja...huhu
tu la keje aku skang..

[D] 4 movies you could watch over and over :

ღ a walk to remember - sedih bangat..
ღ twilight - best + romantik..& heronya sgt hensem...hehe
ღ garfield - kucing tu sgt gemok & comel..bestnye klu dpat peluk...
ღ kabhi kushi kabhi gham - haha...sje suke tgk byk2 kali...

[E] 4 TV shows you love to watch :

ღ csi - aku suke crita siasat2 nih..
ღ america's next top model - nk jdi model xlyak..tgk je la..huhu
ღ lost - xtau pe jd dh skang...
ღ gossip girl - baru mula suka tgk..hehe

[F] 4 places you have been on vacation :

ღ penang - umah maktih aku kt sna..slalu je la bcuti kt sana
ღ johor - umah pakndak aku lak kt,cuti ujung taun mmg akan kesana..
ღ shopping complex - mama slalu bwak g sni time cuti..haha
ღ kampung - tp skang da lme xblik kmpung

[G] 4 websites you visit daily (or semi-weekly) :

ღ friendster
ღ facebook

[H] 4 of your favourite foods :

ღ laksa
ღ kuey teow kerang
ღ lontong
ღ cheese cake - lazat btul..

[I] 4 things you are allergic to :

ღ mknan yg pdas - sbb ade gastrik
ღ kning telur - loya bila mkan
ღ habuk - rse smua org alergik ngan habuk nih
ღ rama2 @ kupu2 - tah la nape..xska kot..huhu

[J] 4 of your siblings names (if you have any) :

adik bradik aku 3 - org je pon..huhu
ღ mohd mohaizass
ღ siti farhana
ღ muhammad muzammil
ღ waheeda - kakak ipar pon kira adik bradik la kan..hehe

[K] 4 places you would love to travel to :

ღ Mekah - bila ade duit nk buat haji
ღ Australia - xtau nape aku tringin nk pegi tmpat ni
ღ Langkawi - xtau nape aku suka sgt tmpat ni
ღ pulau-pulau yang ade kt malaysia nih..

[L] 4 of your pets :

xpnah bela pon..huhu

[M] 4 things you want for your birthday/Christmas this year :

besday aku da bley prepare tuk taun dpan...huhu

ღ kamera sony 1..kale biru..haha
ღ makanan bley??sbb aku suka mkan..hehe
ღ nk celebrate ngan family aku
ღ klu xbleh ngan family..rakan2 pon ok..

[N] 4 names of your close friends :

rmai nih kwan yg rpat ngan yg pling byk smpan rahsia aku

ღ yana - sedare aku...dh sah2 la rapat
ღ paan - mmbr aku kt pdrm dlu..thanx 4 ur advice dear..kta kwan smpai bila2.. :)
ღ meylor @ bell - kwan ngan akk nih
ღ encik raimi - sbb slalu kna dgr aku bebel ;)

[O] 4 titles of your best love song :

ღ kate perry - thinking of you
ღ aleyah - tak mungkin kerna sayang
ღ ari lasso & bunga citra lestari - aku dan dirimu
ღ keny, remy & martin - suratan atau kebetulan

[P] 4 things that you hate the most :

ღ penipu yg suka tipu
ღ org yg mnggatal x tntu psal
ღ tmpat yg bsing2..
ღ ade sorg pompuan nie mse kt mtrik dlu..jhat gak aku eh

[Q] 4 things you purchased in last 44 hours :

ღ kebab bli kt psar mlam
ღ roti john
ღ air soya
ღ nasi + ayam + kentang - lunch tdi

[R] 4 names of medication pills you consumed :

1 je..
goats miLk tabLet...bru je hbis nih..huhu

[S] 4 favourite subjects in school/college :

ღ mate moden
ღ add math
ღ data structure
ღ applied statistic

[T] 4 favourite names for a girl :

ღ siti farhana la.. - mksud: kegembiraan..dats y aku hepi go lucky jer
ღ noora'in - name mama..
ღ ryana - bley x?
xtau da la..

[U] 4 favourite names for a boy :

ble bca 1 novel nie, ade 1 nama aku bekenan
ammar mirza..

[V] 4 closest PURPLE objects :

ღ mouse pad
ღ pensil tik tik aku

[W] 4 superheroes/characters that you really adore :

ღ edward cullen - wahahah..
ღ chuck bass - dia ni baik jugak sbenanye...
xtau dh weh..
xdak idea dah...

[X] 4 things you are wearing now :

ღ green pyjamas
ღ earings
ღ bracelet
ღ necklace

[Y] 4 words to describe yourself :

ღ hepi
ღ sensitif
ღ xreti nk marah org even dlm hati ni membuak2 nk mrah..
ღ mulut aku ni jahat gak kdang2..

[Z] 4 lists of your wishes :

tu da ade kat bawah impian hati aku xpe..skang ni ak nk

ღ anak sedare..bile la aku nk dpat ank sedare nih..huhu
ღ balik rmah lpas final nnt..
ღ masakan mama n papa aku kt rmah tu
ღ dpat smbung buat lesen keta yg tgntung tuh...huhu..bila tah..

aku nak tag :
1) sarah - wajib buat
2) mint - :)
3) kak meylor - sila buat eh..hee
4) izzah - + 1 lgi tag utk ko..huhu

sekian sahaja....

with ღ,

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